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Auto Accidents & Whiplash

Whiplash is most commonly associated with auto accidents, but we can also find cases of
whiplash with sports, slips and falls, or any activity that creates a sudden movement of the head
backward and forward in a whipping motion. Whiplash is frequently diagnosed but rarely treated
properly. Giving someone pain meds and muscle relaxers and telling them to take it easy is not treating
the injuries, only the symptoms.

Whiplash can affect muscles and tendons, ligaments, discs, nerves, and joints of the neck. It can also
affect the jaw, leading to TMJ dysfunction, middle ear damage, changes in our heart and lung, and even
our stomach and digestive process. Treating just the symptoms will ultimately lead to early
degeneration or osteoarthritis, wearing out of the discs with potential for herniation, chronic
headaches, weakness, numbness and tingling in the arms, and a decrease in the normal function of our

After treating hundreds pf whiplash cases, Dr. Staley is an expert in treating whiplash, whether it’s acute
or something that happened decades ago. It is never too late to start getting decreased pain, increased
movement and improved health with chiropractic care. If you think you have suffered a whiplash injury,
contact the Family Chiropractic Center so we can help.

Auto Accidents – Auto accidents are one of the leading causes of severe injury. We all know the life
altering injuries that can occur with a severe accident, but even mild fender benders at less than 5 MPH,
can lead to permanent debilitating degeneration of the spine. The vast majority of people involved in
auto accidents either do not seek treatment at all, or are given painkillers and muscle relaxants in the
ER. They may or may not have had x-rays, CT or MRI. This is NOT the proper evaluation, diagnosis and
treatment of an auto accident. While whiplash is the most common injury cited with an auto accident,
the ENTIRE body was in the accident and is frequently overlooked during evaluations and examinations.
The Woodward study showed that there was significant improvement in important measures in 93% of
the patients under chiropractic care.

So what kind of injuries are involved and frequently overlooked from an auto accident? Whiplash,
headaches, vision changes, changes in sense of smell and taste, injuries to the middle ear, problems with
swallowing, digestion, breathing and heart issues, restricted ranges of motion, damaged muscles,
ligaments, nerves and joints. Dr. Staley has treated over 400 auto accident cases. He is an expert at
evaluating, examining, and developing treatment plans for patients with acute and chronic problems
due to a recent or old auto accident. If you or someone you know has been in an auto accident, recently
or in the past, even a mild fender bender, contact the Family Chiropractic Center and let Dr. Staley help
get you back on the road.

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