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Headaches, Stress & Posture

There are many forms of headaches including migraine, suboccipital tension, cluster,
temporal, sinus, hormonal, and post traumatic headaches. Dr. Staley has successfully treated all of these
headaches. The way he evaluates the progress is by looking at frequency (how often a patient gets a
headache), intensity (how bad the pain gets on a scale of 1-10), and duration (how long does the
headache last once it starts). Dr. Staley’s goal is to get a zero across the board.

While tension headaches are the most common, migraines, because of their severity, get most of the
attention. Migraine symptoms may include depression, crankiness, anxiety, stiff neck, vision changes,
sensitivity to light and sound, severe pain, nausea and vomiting. Patients must schedule their life around
the headache. Chiropractic addresses many causes of headaches which include trauma, poor diet,
dehydration, medications, stress and even weather. Most patient treatments begin with OTC pain killers
that often proceed to prescription pain medications. While that might offer some temporary relief,
chiropractic treats the underlying causes of the headaches.

Studies have shown that over 90% of headache sufferers have shown significant improvement with
chiropractic care. In my office, I would estimate that to be over 95%, including migraine sufferers.
Contact the Family Chiropractic Center and let Dr. Staley stop your suffering.

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